Last updated: 5:14:13 PM Mon, Jun 2, 2008

The majority of the servers have been put backonline, except for server 20 & 21. ES is on server 20. I am being told that the site will be back this evening. To see the status of the specific servers you can go here


Servers in general began going online during the night. and it's host are still not up and running. I will be calling the hosting service this morning as the downtime was not suppoed tolast 36+ hours.


Slashdot released an brief article.


3:05:15 PM Sun, Jun 1, 2008 members,

The server farm that hosts the ES hosting service experienced a fire and transformer explosion on Saturday, May 31. This is affecting 9,000 individual servers and 50 - 100 times that in domain websites. Data was not affected but only power to the servers.

According to the originating service they have operations underway to get up and running asap. Later tonight (Sunday) servers will begin to go online incrementally.

My take on this is, at best the site will be back tonight (Sunday) but I will not be shocked if it does not happen for 24 to 48 more hours as hosting companies are long on promise and short on delivery.

While the problem does not appear to be the fault of our hosting server, but the server farm they contract - I reiterate what i have posted, avoid They were a quality hosting service but over the last 18 months they have tanked. We will be moving to a new hosting service sooner rather than later as I had originally planned.

I'll post updates as I know here.

Since I have 15 of my 20 sites with this hosting service my normal emails do not work. I have migrated some of my sites off lowesthsoting and if anyone needs to contact me I have set up a temporary email address.